Thursday, 28 May 2009

The Dark and Lonely Water

"Where are keys to safe?"

The main aim was to stick to a basic theme of 60's / 70's 'psych' and to resist the temptation to include any soundtrack music for this one. I did manage to do this on the whole but just couldn't help including the main theme from HAWK THE SLAYER for no good reason other than it just seemed to fit. Samples from films are included again this time with Donald Pleasence making an appearance from a 70's Public information film which did it's best to scare children witless so they refrained from playing near water.

Cheers to Bodie at 273 Design for the original cover art

Best listened to through headphones in the middle of the night

Tracklisting (not including dialogue samples)

The Focus Group - Inside The Rubber Box
The Alberto Combo - The Green Monster
The Accent - Red Sky At Night
Curiosity Shoppe - Baby I Need You
The Cosmic Jokers - Interplay Of Forces
Harry Robertson - Hawk The Slayer
Bobby Beausoleil - Lucifer Rising, Pt. 1
David Axelrod - The Mental Traveller
David Axelrod - Urizen
Chopper - Hot Rocks
Brainticket - Brainticket Pt. 1
Lichens - You Are Excrement If You Can Turn Yourself Into Gold
Afreaka! - Past, Present And Future
George Harrison - In The First Place
Lemon Drops - I Am The Man

Click to download (
DALW.rar Size: 142.72 MB)

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Love, Lock and Load

A different approach with this one. Rather than just use soundtrack music I added some contemporary tracks by the likes of Nicola Conte and Depth Charge alongside some old favorites such as Bruno Nicolai and Peppino De Luca. Also, I experimented by adding snippets of dialogue from various Euro Cult movies, the effect of which I think works quite well and I'll be doing this again on the next compilation.

No tracklisting with this one I'm afraid, I did this about 4 years ago and I've long since forgotten what a couple of the tracks are called. Feel free to let me know if you think you can name them all, it'd be interesting to see if anyone can name all the films sampled too...

Cover art for this one uses the amazing artwork from the Italian locandina for Tonino Cervi's 1974 film 'La nottata' - 'Borrowed' from Gary B's Locandine Collector blog

Click to download (Love, Lock and Load.rar Size: 47.97 MB)

Friday, 8 May 2009

Squadra Gialli

Put together about 2 years ago this was originally only available on CD. Uploaded here as an mp3 it runs for just over 50 minutes and is mixed so it's a continuous piece without any pauses between tracks.


1. La lucertola - Ennio Morricone
2. Deadly Race - Bruno Nicolai
3. La coda dello scorpione (seq 5) - Bruno Nicolai
4. Terzo delitto - Bruno Nicolai
5. Incubo & agressione - Bruno Nicolai
6. Pop Atelier - Manuel De Sica
7. Incubi ricorrenti - Stelvio Cipriani & Goblin
8. Medium - Bruno nicolai
9. Poisoned Claws - Manuel De Sica
10. Blazing Magnum - Armando Trovajoli
11. Gin - Bruno Nicolai
12. The Torment of the Dead - Giuli Sorgini
13. The Shock - Libra
14. Demon Arise - Alessandro Alessandroni
15. March of Time - Slipstream Group
16. Integrazione - Lesiman
17. Drugs Theme - Enrico Simonetti
18. Roma violenta - Guido & Maurizio De Angelis
19. Cani arrabbiati (Titoli) - Stelvio Cipriani
20. Insidia - Bruno Nicolai
21. Insidia - Lesiman
22. Stake Out - The Giallos Flame

Click to download (Squadra Gialli.rar Size: 91.85 MB )